Thank you for your interest in becoming a SafeOne Chain Launchpad Ambassador

SAFO Ambassadors

As an Ambassador, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain technology and contributing to the development of a safer and more secure crypto ecosystem. We are excited to welcome passionate individuals like you, who are dedicated to fostering innovation and driving positive change within the blockchain space.

Please fill out the following application form with utmost care and detail:

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Country:
4. Social Media Profiles (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
5. Introduction: Tell us about yourself and your background in the blockchain industry. What drives your passion for the crypto space?
6. Blockchain Experience: Briefly outline your experience with blockchain technology and any notable projects you've been involved in.
7. Vision for SafeOne Chain Launchpad: Share your thoughts on the significance of safety in the crypto space and how SafeOne Chain Launchpad aligns with your vision for a better blockchain ecosystem.
8. Network and Reach: Describe your current network and reach within the crypto community. How can you leverage your connections to promote SafeOne Chain Launchpad?
9. Contributions: What unique skills, knowledge, or resources can you bring to the Ambassador program? How do you plan to contribute to the growth and success of SafeOne Chain Launchpad?
10. Ambassador Goals: Outline your personal goals and objectives as a SafeOne Chain Ambassador. What do you hope to achieve through this partnership?
11. Promotional Strategies: Provide a brief overview of your ideas for promoting SafeOne Chain Launchpad within your network and beyond. How do you plan to raise awareness about the platform?
12. Time Commitment: Estimate the amount of time you can dedicate to the Ambassador role on a weekly or monthly basis.
13. Additional Information: Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your involvement in the blockchain community?

Please send your completed application to with the subject line: "SafeOne Chain Ambassador Application - [Your Name]." We will review all applications carefully and notify selected Ambassadors via email within 10 working days.

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Important Notes:

- All information provided in this application will be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of evaluating your candidacy for the SafeOne Chain Launchpad Ambassador Program.

- SafeOne Chain reserves the right to make final decisions regarding Ambassador selection and program participation.

Thank you for taking the time to apply for our Ambassador Program. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially welcoming you to the SafeOne Chain family!
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Together, let's build a safer and brighter future for blockchain technology!